You will be able to discover the possibilities that will be offered to you to understand, learn, create, modify everything that has always put you off in IT or on the Internet.
Our union in the face of your difficulties will allow you to reduce your fears and your missteps, because we both have the same objective: to make you SUCCEED and become AUTONOMOUS in computers and on the Internet.
After having worked for a year in a large video game company (UbiSoft), having been able to teach via a computer training company (Rezo Mobile) for 2 years, I offer my services to you at your home and on your equipment. I will come to your place for a period of 2 hours and remain at your entire disposal during this time. Everything offered is billed only by the universal service employment voucher system, a simple, secure and extremely advantageous means of payment.
Browse the website for detailed information about my activity. Do not hesitate any longer, contact me and refer to the "contact details" at the top of this page. Do not forget, these trainings * are suitable for the youngest as well as for the elderly.